Thursday, June 14, 2012


Freakonomics is a non-fiction book by authors StephenDubner and Steven Levitt. Freakonomics, as the cover shows, shows the hidden side of everything. Cover subjects such as cheating, information central, economics, parenting, and more. I would only recommend it to somebody if they are interested in looking at different point of views of those many topics. The book is written in an essay type format and contains a lot of information, facts, and statistics to prove their point. The book's main idea is to explore the hidden cause of social problems. However, each chapter has its own topic. The information jumps around a lot, even within the chapter. It can get really confusing and can cause the reader to stray away from the book. In addition, some topics can be really exciting, and some can be very boring. Depending on the type of reader you are, this also can cause the reader to lose interest in the reading.

1 comment:

  1. Nice entry. I feel that we have the same views on the book. I am one of the people that has gotten lost within it's contents.
